There are many different simple offers to complete on all survey GPT sites. Most of these can be completed in less than a minute and are widely available across almost all offer walls.
The Problem:
A lot of people get frustrated when the first one credits and then all the rest no longer credit even when they follow the exact same steps as before. The issue is that when you click on an offer, it then takes you to a website to complete the offer and a cookie is saved. Every time you visit these websites all internet browsers save what they call a "cookie" to remember your computers' visit to that site. This is the reason why people get frustrated and confused as to why an offer will not credit on the second attempt of the same type of GPT offer not crediting.
The Solution to Getting Things to Credit:
The Solution is easy! All you need to do is clear your internet browser's cookies. This of course can become very tedious since it's very repetitive. The "secret" is to utilize a safe and free google extension called Vanilla Cookie Manager. Below you can see a common routine for getting things to credit easily once again just like the first time.
Tips that Work for Me:
- Install the Vanilla Cookie Manager: I like to use Chrome browser for this with the extension mentioned. If using the chrome browser, Get the extension here: vanilla cookie manager.
- Whitelist Only Websites that you Want to Stay Logged into: When whitelisting websites make sure to pick the option that has an asterisk in front of the domain. For example, when whitelisting I would pick the * option. This will ensure that any subdomain that has in it will not get logged off. Also, make sure to check "protect whitelisted cookies" under "show options" of the vanilla cookie manager)
Vanilla Cookie Manager - protect whitelisted cookies Vanilla Cookie Manager - Adding Website to Whitelist - Clear Unwanted Cookies: After you have successfully whitelisted all the cookies you wish to protect, now you're ready to clear all the unnecessary browser cookies. To do this, just click on the pinned extension of your chrome browser in the top right corner. Then, click on "clear unwanted cookies" and you're all done.
Vanilla Cookie Manager - Clear Unwanted Cookies - Select the offer from the survey GPT site that you are on and complete it. One trick to be able to tell if you have successfully cleared your cookies is to check if your email and other personal information is already pre-filled when you click on an offer. If it is, then the cookies haven't been cleared properly.
- For good measure: Create new emails and alternate emails from different email providers for free in just a few minutes. I have used providers such as: Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, Zoho, and Gmx. You don’t have to keep making too many emails and sometimes old emails will do the trick.
- Submit and wait: Click on submit button and let it sit for 30 secs. Usually most credit instantly, but some may have a bit of a credit delay. FYI, for the National Consumer Center: The way you answer the questions doesn't matter.
- Rinse and Repeat: After waiting, if no credit has been given, you should close the offer page and try again. Remember, to clear cookies every time you try.
- Good luck and Happy Earning! Check all the Beginner Guides if you want other good tips!
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