Best Free Email Providers & How to Sign up in 2021

Want to know how to sign up for the best email providers in 2021 with no phone number needed at all? InstaSwagCash, will show you guys a full walk through on all the steps to easily sign up. You can watch the video below to see the steps in detail with pictures.
All of these email accounts meet the following criteria:
  • Free
  • Large storage
  • Easy sign up
  • Safe and secure
  • No phone number verification needed
  • Easy to use
Coming in at number one is: Google Gmail! 

To begin, search gmail sign up and click on the link for sign ups. Fill out your full name info and choose a username to be your new gmail email address. Pick a password and re confirm your password. Then, click next. On the next screen, Skip the phone number and recovery email, this is completely optional. Next, fill out your birthday and select gender and then click on next once more. Now, read through the user agreement and click on, I agree, button. Now, you will be welcomed to your new google account. Click on the dotted app menu in the top right corner, and select gmail. Just like that, you have a gmail account in 1 minute of your time. One of the easiest and most convenient accounts to own.

Coming in at number two is: Microsoft Outlook (also includes Hotmail as an option)! 

To begin, search Outlook email, and then click on the link for sign ups. Next, Click on, "create free account". You can choose to create an outlook or a hotmail email. Type in the desired email that you would like to make and click on next. On the next screen, Pick a password. Then, click next. Fill out your full name info and click next. Next, fill out your birthday and then click on next once more. Please like, comment and subscribe to get more tips! On the next screen, Solve the puzzles by clicking on the arrows until the characters are oriented correctly. And now, we wait a few seconds. Congrats! You now have a brand new free Outlook Email! 

Coming in at number three is: Proton Mail!
  To begin, search proton mail sign up, and then click on the link for sign ups. On the next screen, select the free plan option. Choose a username to be your new email address and then pick a password and re confirm your password. Then, click on create account. Next, you can skip the, add a recovery method, if you would like to like I did. After clicking on the skip button then click on select plan button for the free option. Now, you will have to add an existing email or phone number for a one time verification code to prove that you're a human being! Once you get your verification code, type it in and click on verify. Now, we wait for the email account to be created. Congrats! You now have a brand new free Proton Mail email!

If you enjoyed the tips check out the Instaswagcash YouTube channel to see a full walk through of how to do all of these steps!

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